Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Floral Inspiration for New Year’s Resolutions

Have you made up your mind about your New Year’s Resolution? Sometimes inspiration can come from the unlikeliest of places. The holidays bring with them a variety of floral arrangements.  Over the centuries, different plants have become symbolic of particular ideas. How will holiday flora inspire your New Year’s resolution?

Evergreen & Holly: Break the Unhealthy Habit
With their literal “ever green” boughs, evergreens have been a symbol for life, as well as warding off evil. Holly has similar symbolism in Celtic, Roman, and Christian cultures.
  • Cut out an unhealthy food or beverage you reach for a little too often
  • Quit smoking
  • Commit to a routine of exercise to ward off future health hazards

Ivy: Strengthen Friendships
To Celtic cultures, the interwoven twines of ivy symbolized the complex connections of friendships across a lifetime.
  • Make a list of friends you care about, but have lost touch with.  Go beyond simply “liking” photos - commit to one phone call or shared cup of coffee every two weeks until you’ve made it through the list!
  • Resurrect the art of letter-writing!  Write one letter a month to a long-time friend, affirming their strengths and sharing what you’re grateful for in your friendship.
  • For that extra special touch, Carousel Flowers offers a wide variety of bouquets to remind your friends just how special they are to you!

Cranberries: Build Peaceful Communities
This holiday staple is native to the Americas. Many Native American tribes not only ate cranberries, but used them in medicines for a variety of ailments. To the Delaware tribes of modern day New Jersey, the fruit symbolized peace.
  • Consider a relationship within your family or local community that is difficult for you. Commit to doing one out-of-the-ordinary kind thing for this person each month.
  • Do you know your neighbors? Neighborhoods with strong bonds between residents are often safer.  Host a monthly neighborhood potluck at your home!

Pomegranate: Challenge Your Mind
The pomegranate fruit dates back to the ancient Mediterranean and symbolizes prosperity, learning, and wisdom.
  • Make your web browser’s home page a news website. Read a few articles before going elsewhere.
  • Set a reading goal, like one book a month or twenty minutes each night.

We never know what the New Year will hold. Carousel Flowers offers bouquets for any occasion that comes your way.  Browse our selection online at  http://www.carouselflowers.com or contact us to learn more!

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